Join us for an episode with guest Brandi Lawless, an associate professor of communications, as we delve into the misconceptions and realities of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Through her personal journey and expertise, Brandi challenges the...
Join us for an episode with guest Brandi Lawless, an associate professor of communications, as we delve into the misconceptions and realities of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Through her personal journey and expertise, Brandi challenges the popular notion of "being OCD" as a positive attribute and highlights the real anxieties experienced by individuals living with OCD on a daily basis. We explore the impact of OCD on mental well-being and the toll it takes on one's daily life. With a focus on changing the conversation around OCD, Brandi shares insights on the importance of using language responsibly and understanding the difference between OCD and perfectionism. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, we discuss the rise in OCD cases and the need for increased awareness and support. Don't miss this enlightening discussion that aims to break down stigma, foster empathy, and create a more compassionate society for individuals living with OCD.
Brandi Lawless is an associate professor of communications.
She discusses the KevinMD article, "Stop saying you 'are OCD' if you don’t have OCD."
The Podcast by KevinMD is brought to you by the Nuance Dragon Ambient eXperience.
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