A little more pandemic compassion #shorts

People for whatever reason, and many are legit, some are questionable, whatever. It doesn't really matter anymore. I think this horse is way out of the barn. I wish people were a little more nuanced and could ramp up if things got worse, which I suspect they will in the next couple of months, I suspect they will do some things like masking and then back down a little, but it's just gotten worse incredibly polarized, and people are dug in.

For whatever reason, I think they're dug in. I don't know if anyone can influence this now. I would love everyone to get vaccinated. I know some people won't. I would love everyone who is at risk to mask and take care of people around them who are at risk. I wish we could step back into being a little more compassionate and caring of each other instead of digging in, but that doesn't seem to be what we're doing right now.

Diane Birnbaumer is an emergency physician.

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