Empathy in leadership: Fostering employee growth #shorts

Empathy in leadership not only enables you to connect with your employees but also empowers you to adapt to their evolving needs. During my first year, my boss primarily provided support as I navigated through personal challenges and professional growth. As time passed, I found myself in a different phase of my career, and my boss continued to be my pillar of support.

A recent significant achievement illustrates this beautifully. When I expressed my desire to apply for a position on the board of directors for the American College of Physician Advisors, my boss encouraged me wholeheartedly, saying, "Go for it." To my delight, I was selected for the role. This transition showcased how my boss witnessed my growth over these three years, much like a parent watching their child flourish.

Credit must be given to exceptional leaders like him who nurture your development, stand by you during your most challenging and triumphant moments, and observe the transformations that occur. I believe this message is essential for all administrators, as it underscores the importance of providing unwavering support and recognizing the immense potential individuals can unlock under their guidance.

Anjani Mahabashya is a physician advisor.

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#EmpathyInLeadership #SupportiveLeaders #ProfessionalGrowth #LeadershipJourney #EmployeeDevelopment #BoardOfDirectors #CareerAchievements #ExceptionalLeaders #GrowthUnderGuidance #LeadershipEmpowerment

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