We all want to have a say in the way healthcare is delivered and administered. But for many of us, the road to having more of a voice in these issues can seem daunting. So what kind of advice do I have for fellow physicians who want to follow in my footsteps and have more of a say in administrative matters?
First and foremost, I would encourage them to get involved with the hospital. Many physicians today have chosen to distance themselves from administrative activities at the hospital, but in order to have a say in the way healthcare is administered, it's essential to be an active participant in these activities.
One way to get involved is by chairing a committee or taking on leadership roles such as chief of staff or hospital board member. By demonstrating a willingness to lead and engage with hospital administration, physicians can build the credibility and influence needed to have a real impact on the way healthcare is delivered and administered.
It's important to remember that as healthcare providers we are not only treating patients, but also playing a role in shaping the healthcare system. And that we can only do that by being part of it and engaging with it.
David Danhauer is a pediatrician and former CMIO.
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