I often wonder, for myself and my fellow nurses, what it truly looks like to hold onto each other as though our lives depended on it. Caring for each other in this way is vital because, at the end of the day, our lives truly do depend on it. Our well-being and resilience are closely tied to how we support one another through the challenges we face.
To healthcare institutions, I say this: the burden of overcoming stress and burnout cannot fall solely on healthcare workers. You must step up by implementing robust peer response programs and regular debriefing sessions. Create spaces for workshops outside of work, where we can come together for extended periods to lay down our grief and share the stories that have been etched into our bodies and bones. These sessions allow us to release the emotional weight we carry and fill those newly created spaces within us with joy and rejuvenation. This renewal is essential for us to return to our duties refreshed and ready to continue holding and supporting each other.
Tara Rynders is a nurse, dancer, and choreographer.
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#mentalhealth #nursesupport #healthcareheroes #burnoutprevention #wellness #peerprograms #selfcare
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