Every single day of my life, I witness the same struggle among us physicians, particularly those in residency. It's a pervasive challenge that seems to persist unabated. When I inquire about it, I'm often met with a resigned acceptance, as if it's simply the way things are meant to be. I, too, once internalized this mindset, but I've come to realize that embracing it only leads to a darker place. I refuse to succumb to that mentality any longer.
I'm urging people to speak up and take action because I see the same issues plaguing medical students, residents, attendings, and everyone in between. It's time to acknowledge these issues and work towards resolving them.
Bryce Bowers is a family physician.
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#PhysicianStruggles #ResidencyLife #SpeakUp #MedicalCulture #MentalHealthAwareness #BreakTheSilence #ChangeIsPossible #HealthcareAdvocacy #MedEd #PhysicianWellbeing
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