“We do live in a polar society where we only see things in binary terms. Right or wrong, yes or no. You talk about living in the gray. Sometimes that means you may have to listen to perspectives that you don't necessarily agree with and understand someone from across the political aisle, their perspectives as well.
So in this society where everything is so polarized, how difficult is that for you?”
It was difficult at first. But I think the catch is actually addressing my own biases. Oftentimes, I think that's the most difficult thing, addressing the lens through which we see the world and understanding that hearing another person doesn't mean that you have to shed your ideals that you have to shed, and you're not compromising your values and your ideals just by listening to someone else.
In fact, I believe hearing from someone else, you're rehumanizing.
Cessilye R. Smith is a writer, speaker, and activist.
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