I delved into the concept of distress tolerance, particularly focusing on practical skills in this area. A prime example is the box breathing technique, famously used by the Navy Seals, known as the 4-4-4-4 method. This simple yet effective method involves a cycle of inhaling for 4 seconds, holding the breath for 4 seconds, exhaling for 4 seconds, and then pausing for 4 seconds before the next inhalation. What sets this pattern apart from other breathing techniques, such as the 5-6-8 sequence often found in meditation practices, is its non-physiological nature. This unique aspect demands a higher level of concentration, which can be instrumental in resetting the vagal nervous system, making it a straightforward yet powerful tool for managing stress.
Frances Mei Hardin is an otolaryngologist.
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#DistressTolerance #BoxBreathing #NavySeals #4444Method #BreathingTechniques #VagalNervousSystem #StressManagement #MeditativePractices #Concentration
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