Swimming in the grey #shorts

I clearly understand how unproductive it is to see things in black and white. I believe swimming around in the gray is where the real work happens, and it helps us to really unpack history systems that cause harm. Policies that are unhelpful and living in the gray can also help us to humanize.

Those with varying perspectives and strongly held views and because of what's going on in our country regarding reproductive freedom, right, and justice, it's very polarizing. And so, over the years, I've had the privilege. I believe it's a privilege and it's a beautiful, messy opportunity.

To sit in that gray area and listen to people's perspectives so that I can gain a clearer understanding of just why they believe, what they believe, and why they advocate in the ways in which they do.

Cessilye R. Smith is a writer, speaker, and activist.

Link in bio or visit kevinmd.com/podcast

#maternalhealth #maternal #obstetrics #obstetricsandgynecology #blackmoms #obstetrician

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