“When you say that clinician would troubleshoot with you, what kind of questions would that clinician typically ask you? “
I remember one question that really stuck with me when he asked, “What is it that you are most worried about,” because especially with multisystem conditions, it feels like everything's going wrong with your body at once.
I'm overwhelmed by it. I don't know what to do first, and as an academic, I'm most worried about my cognition. I was most terrified that I wouldn't be able to think, and so. That helped me name, that was the thing at the top of my mind, and also gave me something to keep track of, right? If that's the thing I'm most concerned about, I can trace how my cognition is working from day to day, what I did before and after in order to affect it in what way.
But it gave me a focal point when I was otherwise feeling I was spinning around in space.
V. Jo Hsu is an assistant professor of rhetoric and writing.
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