Why physicians need community now more than ever

As physicians, we're often siloed, feeling isolated as we deal with pre-authorization hassles and other bureaucratic challenges. It's easy to think we're the only ones facing these issues, but in reality, physicians across the country are experiencing the same struggles, from pre-authorization to EMR headaches.

It's crucial to foster a sense of community among physicians. Unlike decades ago, we no longer have the camaraderie of the doctor's lounge; instead, we practice in our own offices, separated from our peers. Creating a space where physicians can share their stories and receive feedback from colleagues is incredibly valuable. It reminds us that we're not alone and that others understand what we're going through.

Link in bio or visit https://kevinmd.com/podcast

#physiciancommunity #doctorssupport #medicalchallenges #physicianwellness #EMRstruggles #healthcareheroes #doctorstogether #preauthorizationhassles #physicianlife #medicallife

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