Why primary care is the unsung hero of healthcare - and how we can change that #shorts

We need to stop undervaluing primary care in this country and start recognizing its true worth. To do that, we need everyone on board, including our healthcare administrators. They bring valuable skills to the table and can effectively communicate the importance of primary care to their teams, even in ways that doctors might not.

To make this happen, we need to work together and pull in the same direction. It's not just about doctors or nurses; it's about everyone in healthcare who truly understands the value of primary care. Let's join forces and make it happen!

#primarycarevalue #healthcareadministrators #teamwork #healthcareprofessionals #healthcarecollaboration #healthcarecommunication #healthcareteam #doctorsandnurses #healthcareworth #valueofhealthcare #healthcarefuture

Sara Pastoor is a family physician.

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